Smoked Beef Short Ribs with Pecan Wood

Smoked Beef Short Ribs with Pecan Wood

Our smoked beef short rib recipe will make you wonder why you haven't tried this before. We've compiled an easy-to-follow recipe that will satisfy all your guests! 
Grilled Salmon with Hickory Wood Reading Smoked Beef Short Ribs with Pecan Wood 1 minute

Smoked Beef Short Rib with Pecan Wood

Our smoked beef short rib recipe will make you wonder why you haven't tried this before. We've compiled an easy-to-follow recipe that will satisfy all your guests! See the recipe below:

Recommended Smoker/Grill: Reverse flow offset smoker

Seasoning: Coffee-based dry rub with a blend of ground coffee, brown sugar, chili powder, cumin, and black pepper for a unique and robust flavor.

Flavor Profile: Rich, smoky, and slightly sweet with a touch of earthiness from the coffee.

Time and Temperature: Smoke at 250°F (121°C) for 6-8 hours until the meat is tender and pulls easily from the bone.